1. Enter your number in international format
2. excluding the + symbol
1. Click menu then click on your name.
2. click the 3 dots, your username is the last part of your profile link. EG - https://www.facebook.com/personasmartcard = personasmartcard
1. Click on your profile
2. Your username is displayed on the top left corner
1. Click on your profile picture, it will take you to your profile.
2. Your username is under your picture. Please exclude the + symbol.
1. Click your profile picture in top left corner
2. Click view profile, scroll down to the contact section
3. Your username is displayed in “your profile”. Your username is displayed after the in/
1. Sign into YouTube on your computer
2. Click your profile in the top right
3. Click on settings, click on account
4. Under your YouTube channel option click view advanced settings. You channel ID is displayed.
1. Click on your profile, your username is displayed under your profile picture
2. Please exclude the @ symbol.
1. Click on your avatar in the top left corner,
2. Your username is displayed under your full name
1. Click your profile icon in the top left corner
2. Your username is displayed under your profile picture ( exclude the u/ )
1. Click the gear on the top right corner
2. Click account and your username will be displayed